Did you see the recent piece on the cost of a Christmas tree in New York City? A nice 8′ fir…… Brace yourself: $450!! How nice to be able to pay a fee to the PNF and get a perfect, perfectly fresh fir, that will not be a fire danger. We are so fortunate. As long as we can get in and out without getting stuck (Thanks, Joe Blackwell), we have the best trees in the country.

Thanks, Plumas National Forest….

Now, hoping our first snow does not wash away during the next few days. Remember the “old days,” when it was all snow at Bucks? For the last several years, every time we get a decent snow cover, we get warm storms and it washes away. But, hey, our new President Elect says global warming is a Chinese strategy. Who knew they could dictate the snow level at Bucks Lake? Sigh……

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