Catching up…., The annual BLHOA meeting was excellent. Lots of valuable information about the Stewardship Council, CUFFA, and the Fire Department.

Cabin owners are still encouraged to donate money for the CUFFA fight. We recommend $100 per cabin. Anything more than that is gravy, greatfully accepted. You can drop a check with Debbie at Haskins Store. Make it to BLHOA Legal Defense Fund. Note, in the left lower corner, that it is for the NFH CUFFA fund. Around September 1, we will write one check that recognizes all of the cabin donations, to NFH. It promises to be a sizeable amount, that will gain recognition for Bucks Lake cabin owners.

I also encourage you to log on to There, we have just established, in the last few days, a Leadership Blog, which, as we get it rolling, will present the very latest in the highly dynamic CUFFA fight.

Finally, we are having a strangely quiet summer on the Fire Department. Who knows why?? It just is. It will be interesting to see if it stays that way.

Meanwhile, both the weather and water are warm, and it is a wonderful summer.

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