Summer….., At Last

Yup. It is beautiful and warm at Bucks. The Lake is full and finally there are lots of boats. it will NOT  be 104 this weekend, more like 80, which is just right.

The fire department has been blessedly quiet. We had a structure fire at the Highlands last Saturdaywhich was very unfortunate. Between us, Meadow Valley FD, and the Forest Service, we kept the fire from burning the main cabin and the forest.

Again, dates to remember: July 4, several small association meetings, and the Fire Department Pancake Breakfast.

July 18, at Haskins, the Bucks Lake Homeowners meeting. There are more important issues than I can write about here that will be decided at each of these meetings, so go, if they pertain to you.

And, please, go to the Pancake Breakfast. It starts at 8 am, and the proceeds go to the fire volunteers directly, who decide how they will be spent.

See you there!

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